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DC 0-50A MeterIt has small size, high efficiency, long term stable and reliable quality,easy installation and use. Application: Battery ,Motorcycle, Car, E-bike, ATV, Scooter, and And other platforms circuit Current measurement.
0.56" Red LED 0-50A Digital Ammeter Tester Amp Monitor with Current ShuntIt is a Red LED Ampere Meter With Current Shunt Resistor,Measurement Range:DC 0-50A,Power Supply:DC 5V,small size, high efficiency, long term stable and reliable quality,easy installation and use.... 100031
2in1 Digital Meter DC 4.5~100V/50A Led Dual Display Voltage/Current Meter DC 12V 24V Voltmeter Ammeter + 50A ShuntIt is a 2in1 Digital Meter/Voltmeter Ammeter, Voltage Measuring Range: DC 4.5~100V, Current Measuring Range: 0.0~50.0A, It has small size, high efficiency, long term stable and reliable quality,easy... 200075
2in1 Digital Voltmeter Ammeter DC 100V/50A Digital Tester Red Led Display Volt Amp Meter DC 6V/12V/24V Voltage Monitor With Shunt ResistanceIt is a 2in1 Digital Tester/Dual Display Voltmeter Ammeter, Operating voltage:DC 4.5 ~ 30V, Measure voltage: DC 0 ~ 100V, Measure current :DC 50A (require external shunt), Measure accuracy: 1% (± 1... 100043
2in1 Voltage Current Monitor DC 0~20V/50A Digital Voltmeter Ammeter Mini Volt Ampere Meter AC 220V Power SupplyIt is a Digital Meter/2in1 Voltmeter Ammeter/Panel Meter Tester, Power Supply: AC220V +/- 10%,Measure Voltage Range DC 0~19.99V,Measure Current Range 0~50.00(needn't external shunt,measure... 100108
DC 12V 24V Digital Ammeter DC 0~50A Red/Yellow/Bule/Green Led display Current Meter/Ampere Meter/Panel Meter/Monitor/Tester + Current ShuntIt is a DC 12V 24V Digital Ammeter/Ampere Meter/Tester, Measuring Current Range: 0~49.9A, Power Supply Voltage: DC 6~24V, Build-with connection reverse protection, Application: industrial... 090682
DC Ammeter DC 0 ~ 50A Current Meter High Accuracy Digital Tester 0.56" Red Led Display Ampere Meter DC 5V Panel Meter Need Extra 75mV/50A ShuntIt is a Digital Ammeter/Ampere Meter, Operating voltage: DC +5 V +/- 0.5, Measure Current Range: 0~50A DC, It has Reverse polarity protection, small size, high efficiency, long term stable and... 100080
DC Amperemeter DC 0~50A Ammeter Red/Yellow/Bule/Green Led display Digital Meter/Panel Meter/Monitor/Tester DC 12V 24V Current Meter + Current ShuntIt is a Digital Ammeter/Amperemeter/Tester, Measuring Current Range: 0~49.9A, Power Supply Voltage: DC 6~24V, Build-with connection reverse protection, Application: industrial equipments,electronic... 090681
DC Current Detector Meter 0.56" DC 0-50A Red/Blue/Green LED Digital Ammeter + Current Shunt0.56" Red/Blue/Green LED Digital Ammeter. Small dimension, Measuring Range: DC 0-50.0A ,Application: industrial equipment monitoring,Motorcycle, Car, E-bike, ATV, Scooter,Battery,Electromobile ,and... 090888
Digital Ammeter +/- 0 ~ 50A Current Meter 0.56" Red Led Display Ampere Meter High Accuracy Digital Tester DC 5V Panel Meter + Resistive ShuntIt is a Digital Ammeter/High Accuracy Digital Tester, Operating voltage: DC +5 V +/- 0.5, Measure Current Range: DC 0 ~ 50A ( require external 50A shunt ), It has Reverse polarity protection, small... 100083
Digital Meter DC 0~199.9V/0~50A LCD Display Voltage Current Meter DC 12V 24V Voltmeter Ammeter + 50A ShuntIt is a Digital Voltmeter Ammeter /Tester/Digital Meter, Measuring voltage range: DC 0~199.9V, Measuring current range: 0~50A. It has small size, high efficiency, long term stable and reliable... 200395